So, what am I working on?...

I am investigating how wildlife responds to environmental pressures such as climate change and habitat loss.

Through the conversion of large areas of countryside into farmland and towns, many animals and plants have lost areas of their original habitat. This affects how many organisms survive, how they move and how they interact. When combined with a changing climate it is highly likely that a range of organisms are going to be effected, causing biodiversity loss and altering ecosystems.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

INTECOL Conference: The second day...

Day two of the conference: the big highlights from today were the sessions on ‘ecological networks and global change’ as well as ‘food webs and trophic interactions’, this involved plenty of running around between various seminar rooms to sit in on all the relevant talks.

The poster session towards the end of the day provided the opportunity for reading a little about other work going on (a lot of student work) and was a good chance to meet a few academics whose research I had read a lot about. A number of my colleagues at both Imperial College and the University of Canterbury were presenting today (see video). One of the interesting things about events such as these is that you get an impression of the various styles and most effective means of presenting in different media which is useful particularly for a scientist early on in a research career.

So Brisbane convention centre kindly issued permission for me to film a video extract amongst the conference infrastructure… enter me walking clumsily around the main exhibit hall…

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