So, what am I working on?...

I am investigating how wildlife responds to environmental pressures such as climate change and habitat loss.

Through the conversion of large areas of countryside into farmland and towns, many animals and plants have lost areas of their original habitat. This affects how many organisms survive, how they move and how they interact. When combined with a changing climate it is highly likely that a range of organisms are going to be effected, causing biodiversity loss and altering ecosystems.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm back (for a while).

Phew, so sorry for the lack of updates but I’ve been tied up with an intensive period of fieldwork. Now I’m back in Christchurch after travelling almost 7000km in and around the North Island and I’m being kept busy feeding the caterpillars I’ve collected, all 1055 of them!
So the last couple of weeks have been packed full of bush bashing, insect showers, land owner liaisons, photography, camping adventures and plenty of travelling.

Although undertaking your own research can be rather stressful at times it is also a lot of fun and rewarding when it is successful. Of course it never always does run exactly to plan; with swooping falcons bullying us out of the forest, rain drenching specimens and data-loggers going missing it’s never dull in the field… I’ll post a few more tit-bits in-between the feeds… the mean time check out the pic of the cats in their pots.

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