So, what am I working on?...

I am investigating how wildlife responds to environmental pressures such as climate change and habitat loss.

Through the conversion of large areas of countryside into farmland and towns, many animals and plants have lost areas of their original habitat. This affects how many organisms survive, how they move and how they interact. When combined with a changing climate it is highly likely that a range of organisms are going to be effected, causing biodiversity loss and altering ecosystems.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My passion (outside work)

Im not sure if I mentioned this but I am rather nutty about Lepidoptera. My withdrawal symptoms from rearing moths in New Zealand has left me with a desire to aquire some seasonal fluttery pets back in the UK. I now have some bedroom companions consisting of multiple Peacock butterfly pupae and the odd Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillar. After five days in my company (probably about 10 days altogether) they are emerging (as I write). Here are some pictures:

If you are keen on rearing butterflies/moths/stick insects yourself you can obtain them (amongst other sites) from:

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